Mid-Year Newsletter
Dear Friends of the Tommy Raskin Memorial Fund for People and Animals:
Greetings everyone!
We have a lot of good news to share with you as we are halfway through 2022.
First, we are taking the pen -- temporarily -- to share the excitement we feel since the inception of the Tommy Raskin Memorial Fund for People and Animals. We know that readers are used to the clear reports they receive from Hannah, and we promise you will hear from her again! (At this same moment, Hannah is starting a demanding new job so we're taking the opportunity to be the trumpeters of recent Fund progress.) This past quarter has provided many worthy demands on uses for your generous donations. There are no shortages of crises in our world. Fortunately, the Fund has been able to expand its reach and visibility while continuing Tommy's legacy through charitable work supported by this incredibly supportive and generous community.
Throughout this year, the Fund has worked to support many amazing causes significant to the Fund and Tommy’s dreams. In Quarter 2 alone, we donated to the following fifteen worthy organizations:
Grants Made In Quarter 2:
City Dogs City Kitties (CDCK): Rescues dogs and cats from overcrowded, high-kill shelters;
Give Directly: Provides financial assistance to the world’s poorest households and families;
Oxfam: Fights poverty to end inequality and justice. Our donations specifically supported the Global Refugee Fund, Humanitarian Relief, Horn of Africa Hunger Crisis Fund;
Seva Foundation: Develops self-sustaining programs around the world to preserve and restore sight;
Blair High School: Advances peer-to-peer tutoring and rewarding compassionate behavior at the high school Tommy attended in Silver Spring, Maryland:
Urban Justice Law Center: Provides legal services in the New York City area and is incubating the Family Justice Law Center;
TP Lunch and Learn: Provides resources for this free summer day camp for kids who live in the apartments on Maple and New Hampshire Avenues near Tommy’s childhood home in Takoma Park;
4MyCiTy: Works with the community to distribute food supplies to families with children when school is closed for summer;
SpringSong Community Museum: Provides a space for intellectually curious people interested through this science and nature museum in Silver Spring inspired by Rachel Carson;
Small Things Matter: Helps 1,000 food-insecure families in Takoma Park and Silver Spring with fresh produce and nonperishable foods;
Be Strong: Saves and improves the lives of youth using a peer-to-peer approach by strengthening mental, emotional, and relational health, building resilience, and preventing bullying;
Family Justice Law Center: Brings affirmative litigation on behalf of families that have been mistreated by the child welfare system;
Palestinian Medical Relief Society: Supplements decayed and inadequate health infrastructure, while emphasizing prevention, education, community participation, and the empowerment of people;
Caritas: Serves the poor and promotes charity and justice in the world, with this contribution going specifically to aid Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war;
Malteser International: Provides emergency medical and humanitarian relief to the people of Ukraine;
Other Exciting News from the Tommy Raskin Memorial Fund for People and Animals and Its Supporters:
Tommy’s Pantry in Silver Spring and Takoma Park (named after Tommy) received its 501c charter, and is a recipient of a coveted Takoma Park Azalea Award;
Blair High School created an annual award for compassionate service in Tommy’s name;
Massachusetts Congressman Jim McGovern kicked off the Women’s Democratic Club’s first annual Tommy Raskin Speaker Series with a lecture on hunger in America;
Sculptor Donald Reed is selling his sculpture, “Dear One,” the proceeds from which will be given to the Tommy Raskin Memorial Fund;
We are immensely grateful to you and everyone in this wonderful community that has lifted up all Raskin family members and friends and shown deep generous support for The Tommy Raskin Memorial Fund for People and Animals. We encourage you to share any organizations that are close to your heart and Tommy’s values that could benefit from our contributions. And as always, we ask that you remain with us on this journey and continue your amazing support of the Tommy Raskin Memorial Fund for People and Animals by clicking here.
With much love and gratitude,
Sarah Bloom Raskin and Jamie Raskin, and All Members of the Board of the Tommy Raskin Memorial Fund for People and Animals